Plenary Thermo Fisher Session

Plenary Thermo Fisher Session

Dear Participants of the conference,
We are delighted to invite you to a special event, the Plenary Thermo Fisher Session, taking place
on Monday, June 10th, in Piłsudski Hall.
Distinguished scientists and users from Poland and abroad, who work with Thermo Fisher Scientific
microscopes, have been invited not only to show results, but also to share their procedures and routines.
We understand that the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions is extremely valuable.
Therefore, we have scheduled additional time for interaction with the speakers after each
lecture. Through open and friendly discussions, you will be able to get answers to your questions and
deepen your knowledge.
Additionally, we invite you to an exciting live demonstration of (S)TEM Spectra 300 microscope during
the session. This is a unique opportunity to see a state-of-the-art equipment in action and learn about its
amazing capabilities.


The schedule of the session – click here